MICE Industry Through the Eyes of the Government: How to Ensure Sustainable and Predictable Development in the New Realities?

MICE Industry Through the Eyes of the Government: How to Ensure Sustainable and Predictable Development in the New Realities?

Plenary session
Frame 277133671
  • 16.12 Day 1
    10:15-11:45 | Regency Ballroom Hall |

Sustainable development in the face of ongoing changes in various areas of public life is a challenge requiring not just quick adaptation from businesses but a comprehensive and consolidated policy from the government. The MICE industry is no exception: solving most issues is impossible without government involvement.
Moreover, strengthening cooperation, including in the MICE sector, between Asian, African, and Latin American countries —traditionally focused on European or North American markets—has become essential. This underscores the importance of new forms of interstate collaboration.

Topics for discussion:

  • What role do BRICS countries and the Global South assign to the MICE industry? How does attracting business tourists contribute to local economies, and how do business events and major occasions foster infrastructure development and attract investment?
  • What challenges do BRICS and the Global South face at the governmental level in developing mutual business flows? Are there solutions to these challenges?
  • How do governments respond to the transformation of the MICE industry? Can businesses consider the government a partner in addressing their problems?
  • The future of the MICE industry in BRICS and the Global South: What role can BRICS and other forms of interstate cooperation in the Global South play in achieving sustainable industry development?