More than 9 million children visited Moscow in 2022, of which 3.8 million children made tourist trips.

Children's tourism in the capital remains a popular destination: thus, last year young travelers made 3.79 million tourist trips to Moscow (at the level of 2021). The share of children in the total volume of tourist flow over the past 3 years remains stable at 21%, with a 4-percentage point increase (from 17% to 21%) relative to 2019.

Children's tourism is the most stable segment to various kinds of changes and has prospects for further development - recovery by 2019, it was almost 88% (at the same time, the recovery rate of the total tourist flow is 71%).

Another 5.47 million were children's excursion arrivals (i.e. arrivals without an overnight stay), up 55.3% from 3.53 million in 2021 to 5.47 million in 2022 (+55% or +1.95 million trips).

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