Source: Sociological surveys of 8.5 thousand respondents, analysis of bank transactions.

Short trips are becoming increasingly popular: more than half of Russians' trips to Moscow last up to 3 days (short-term trips). The share of short-term trips is stable and in the period from 2020 to 2022 will be in the range of 54-60%. The seasonality of such trips is similar to the general dynamics of tourist traffic, with a maximum in three summer months (a total of 28% of all short trips in 2022), especially in July and August.

This high share of short trips can be explained primarily by the rich calendar of events (various fairs, exhibitions, forums, and other events are held throughout the year), which particularly attracts tourists and becomes a reason to visit Moscow for a short period of time (which is also evidenced by the growth of air travel on weekends). Short-term trips may also be influenced by a significant share of business tourists (20% over the last 2 years), who tend to make short but very busy trips.

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