The period of perestroika in the history of the country is the leader Mikhail Gorbachev and the legendary Special Purpose Garage cars ZIL-41047, ZIL-41051, ZIL-41052 and the special security vehicle ZIL-41072 "Scorpion". With the coming to power of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Mercedes became the cars of the first people of the State. They are also presented in the exhibition. Along with cars, the collection includes motorcycles of the Honorary Escort. The exhibition opens with early 20th century cars from the Delaunay-Belleville and Mercedes brands. Their analogues were delivered to the garage of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Most of the exhibition consists of cars from the Soviet period. For example, Packard Twelve, ZIS-101A, ZIS-110, ZIS-115 date back to the period when Joseph Stalin was at the head of the USSR. The era of leaders Nikita Khrushchev and Leonid Brezhnev is represented by Soviet cars ZIS-110B, ZIL-111A, GAZ-13 "Chaika", ZIL-111D, ZIL-114, ZIL-117, GAZ-24-95, ZIL -4104.